Yo API (Asp)

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Yo is a simple application for iOS, Windows Phone and Android that allows you to send a single message, "Yo", to specified users.

Yo has an API designed to allow you to send a notification to users when required.

SendYo is a notification program I have written for Yo to allow it to be used as a Windows notification system.

You can take advantage of the Yo API and related web functionality to use Yo as a notification system. The following ASP pages I have written extend the functionality of Yo and SendYo to provide additional features.

ASP Yo Callback

The Yo API provides a method for receiving callbacks so when users Yo you back you can receive a notification. Yo.asp (attached) is a sample ASP callback page. Once the email settings are configured it will email a specified address with the username and location or link (if included) of any user who sends a Yo to your account.

This could be used as an easy way to notify your team of your location or send them a URL. It could also be modified to use SendYo to trigger a new Yo to be sent to all users or back to the user as an automated response.

The sample asp callback page can be included in any classic asp website. The default email settings included in the asp page provided need to be configured to suit your mail server and email address. Once setup the callback URL is configured in your API account and is specified similiar to: http://www.mysite.com/yo.asp.

Information about receiving callbacks is included in the Yo API site.

ASP YoServer

When automating Yo as a notification system you can only send a link as a YoAll or a link and/or location as a Yo. This can be limiting if you want to send a notification that there is a server or system issue and you want to specify which server or system. yoserver.asp (attached) is a sample ASP notification page. When an alert is triggered you can send a link to this page containing the parameters "location" and "time" and this will display a notification of which computer the alert is from and when it was sent. The URL used to would be similiar to: http://youserver.com/yoserver.asp?location=mycomputer&time=1/1/15.

This would display a page indicating you have received an alert from the machine mycomputer on the 1/1/15. When a link is sent with a Yo this page is displayed when you view the notification on your mobile device.

This was written to work easily with SendYo. In SendYo you can use the {COMPUTER} or {DATE} parameter anywhere in the link field and this will be replaced with the computer name and alert time at runtime. If running from the command line this can be specified as: SendYo.exe /APIKEY@abcdefghijk /USERS@CHRISTIANDUNN /LINK@"http://myserver.com/yoserver.asp?location={COMPUTER}&time={DATE}"

This will send you an alert containing a link. When viewed the link will open displaying you the computer name that sent the alert and the time it was sent.

Download this file (yo-asp.zip)yo-asp.zip1 kB2015-01-11