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Yo is a simple application for iOS, Android and Windows Phone which has only one purpose, to send a simple notification message.

Like many others I struggled to understand how such a simple notification application could be useful. Until the Yo API was released it was hard to see a practical application for Yo but the more I look the possibilities are endless.

Playing with Yo led me to develop SendYo, a desktop application designed for sending a Yo via the command line or a simple user interface. Now I can use Yo to send notifications for system outages, serious alerts or daily warnings. This means I can be notified when an event occurs clearly and simply without needing to have my email running 24/7 to receive these messages. It also means my team can subscribe to the notifications they need to receive on their mobile devices providing a simple global mobile communication network.

If you haven't used Yo check it out today and if you are a system or application administrator check out SendYo and how you can use it to provide simple alerts for your team.
