TestConnect (Windows)

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TestConnect is a network diagnosis tool designed to assist in identifying communication errors with websites.

TestConnect can run an automated test with any specified URL to identify:

* HTTP - Internet connectivity to the specified URL and response status with 5 repeat tests indicating content retrieved and time taken.
* PING - Ping response time and status to the specified URL
* TRACERT - Trace route over a maximum of 100 hops to the specified URL

TestConnect can run an automated test on the local machine to identify:

* TCP - TCP connection statistics and all available network adaptors with maximum speed and type information

TestConnect can run an automated test on network bandwidth to identify:

* BANDWIDTH - Runs a monitor for a specified period of time and optionally including a 5MB test data download to identify upload and download transfer speeds and data transfer during this time

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Data captured in TestConnect can be copied and pasted from the application. The application will automatically check for updates on startup. TestConnect can also be run as a standalone application and includes command line parameters for all options. 

TestConnect also includes a bandwidth monitor to display in realtime download and upload volumes, transfer speeds and active IP addresses for the current machine. Traffic volumes are displayed using graphical indicators to show changes in data being transferred. Data from the bandwidth monitor can be captured to the log.

04/04/2014 - Version 1 released